How It All Began…

Ahem!!! Here we go… After months & months of convincing myself that there actually is enough in me to sit down and create a blog, type out some yummy recipes that I try and share them with you; here I am finally, trying my best to put the plan into action. All I needed was a push. Well, Don’t we all? And for those little nudges & a whole lot of wonderful ideas that helped me start this blog, I thank my friends, my brother and of course my mum & dad from whom I inherited the passion for good food. I couldn’t have done it without any of them.

There was a time, long long ago (yep that long!) when I whined to my mum that if I ever had to set foot in the kitchen it will only be for reading out the menu (like a spoilt princess, yup) to my cook in the future and after I’m done I’d prance out of the kitchen happily and wait for the feast to be laid out in front of me!

Somewhere around this time, I remember my dad getting home a small baking oven. The die-hard chocolate fan that I am and of course was as a kid too, I stood in front of the magic gadget and pictured myself whipping up a scrumptious chocolate cake. That’s when my dad bought me a box of Betty Crocker chocolate cake mix. I followed the instructions on the box to a ‘t’. Yes… those three steps were a huge deal for me at the time. I waited anxiously, biting my nails off while the cake fluffed up lusciously in the oven. When the timer went off, I gingerly removed the cake pan and waited patiently for the cake to cool down!  And that’s saying something, coz I’m not really known for my patience! Ha! Then I cut the cake into perfect little pieces and all of us took a bite each. Then my dad high fived me!!!  I jumped up n down with joy! Somewhere in the vicinity I could hear my mum snigger. Ah well! So much for being a princess…

Now where was I? Yeah, so I finally picked up the apron and there was no stopping me! After many mishaps in the kitchen much to my mother’s chagrin (she had to clean up after me & she still does! :P) I conjured up a respectable number of dishes and surprisingly enough they were all quite edible! Yay!!!

After all these years I’ve turned into a big foodie. I try out new cuisine whenever I get the chance, then hunt down their recipes to try them out myself; make the end result look pretty as much as I can and hover around the dish clicking lots and lots of pictures. I love the whole process! And I especially enjoy baking!

An Indian by birth, brought up in the KSA, my flavour palate has been influenced by Indian as well as Arabian cuisine. But like I said, me being a foodie, I love experimenting with different foods from all over the world. I’m gonna share with you a few of my experiences with food and also recipes that have turned out very well for me.

I hope to help those of you who doubt your cooking skills. Trust me… if I can, so can you!!!

Hungry are you?? Then let’s get our Grub on!!!

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